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Date and Time Settings

Date and time rendering can be customised for the instance (the server) and per user. Normally users should use the default settings defined for the server.

In the server administration, you access these settings via the server settings. The Server timezone can also be adapted:

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 13.19.45.png

The per user settings can be modified to allow to adopt to different time zones. Reports and documents will always use the server settings.

To adapt the user settings, the user preferences can be found in the user profile:

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 13.22.42.png

Then scroll down to the bottom:

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 13.23.44.png

The User timezone will be reflected in your instance in all history and records. If you Press "Reset", the server settings will be applied.

Date and Time Setting Format 

The format for specifiying date and time is described in

Date and Time Setting Examples 


shows as




Wed, Jul 4

h:mm a

2:08 PM

hh:mm a

02:18 PM



dd.MM.yyyy (z)

23.06.2024 (CEST)

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