Password Settings
Please note that password settings are not individually customizable, but instead applicable to all Matrix users within your organization.
Setting | Explanation |
Require signature password to be different to login password | If checked, you will need to specify two passwords per user. One to login and another one to sign documents. If not checked, the login password can be used to sign documents (this is the default). |
Allow browser to fill password fields | This option allows you to have the browser filling in the password fields automatically |
Require user to type user name when signing document | Tick if the user should not only supply a password but also his user ID to sign documents. |
Password expiration | Can be set to enforce new passwords after a given number of days. Expiration email can be sent to users or not. |
Password strength | Can be set to require safer passwords. |
Disabled after failed logins | If the user access should be disabled after a certain number of failed login attempts you can set it up in this field. |
Session timeout | (new in 2.2): allows to make sessions longer than 30 minutes. If you leave your browser alone for that much time, you will be asked again for your user and password. ![]() |
Password Reset Limitation | (new in 2.3.4) When resetting a password you can define a time period for how long the reset link will be valid. ![]() |