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PDF export of LiveQMS content

From version 2.4.2 onwards we’ve added the option to export items in your LiveQMS as PDF files.

To enable this feature, navigate to "Project Settings > QMS Configuration" and select the "Allow users to export from LiveQMS" checkbox in the bottom part of the settings section.

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 12.19.45.png

Once enabled users will see a “Download PDF” button in the upper right corner of an item (1) as well as a an icon to “Download multiple PDF” in the top right corner of the overview panel (2)

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 12.21.32.png

For the multi-select you can either opt to download them all or just download a selection of items as needed.

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 12.22.29.png

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