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The Matrix Marketplace is now accessible to all users, providing a hub for plugins, project templates, and modules. Users can easily navigate through their existing plugins, project templates, or modules.

Admin users have the rights to install, request a demo, or seek a license, while non-admin users can request Marketplace items through their respective administrators. Accessing the Marketplace is simple for all users, as it is conveniently located in the menu.

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 16.54.16.png

This article contains the following sections:

Instructions for Use:

If you follow the link, you will be redirected to our marketplace platform. Here you get an overview of all available plugins and templates:

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 16.56.21.png

In each tile you have different options, depending on factors, such as your instance version or if you already downloaded the plugin or acquired the licence:

  • If you already installed a plugin, then it will show the option to uninstall:

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 17.00.22.png
  • If a plugin is available and you can install it, you’ll see the install button:

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 17.05.38.png
  • Project templates can be installed the same way. In this case you will see the option “Create a Project”:

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 17.00.27.png
  • If you are interested in adding a licensed module, you can reach out to the responsible Customer Success Manager for more details by clicking on “Request License”

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 17.00.14.png

And lastly, if a plugin is not available, because your instance is not up-to-date, then the incompatibility will be highlighted as well:

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 17.08.53.png

You can get further information about the plugins and visuals by clicking on the respective tile of the plugin, you’d like to learn more about.

We currently offer the following Plugins for use in version 2.4:

Available plugins and their instructions to use

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