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Marketplace Plugin - ReLink

This plugin helps you import Excel data with traceability and external links intact.

Configuration for the plugin is per project, you can import data from excel with traces and/or with external links e.g. Jira, Github, Gitlub. To import items with traces and external links you need you prepare one Excel including both.

  1. The first option is to import data keeping traces.

The description is available in the Manual:

Additionally from me(Lena):

  • prepare Excel file

  • Check traces in Matrix instance, they should be in line with your excel file

  • Configure the Item fields. Minimum to be in an item to configure plugin:

    • “Legacy ID” → Text Line Control → Id of the current item, can be any text of unique id

    • “Legacy down” → Text Line Control → downlinked id of an item

    • References → downlinks

*ids are important for correct linking and should be carefully listed in Excel and in line with the traces configuration.

Example of Excel file:

  • Configure plugin:

    • Go to Project Settings

    • Add setting reLinkConfig

    • Example of Configuration:

      "menuEntry":"reLink UREQ to SREQ",
      "linksField":"LEGACY DOWN",
      "downLegacyField":"LEGACY ID"
      "menuEntry":"reLink SREQ to VAL",
      "linksField":"LEGACY DOWN",
      "downLegacyField":"LEGACY ID"
    { and further the same as many traces as you need
  • Once you imported data from Excel and configured plugin go to Tool menu and choose reLink Category 1 to Category 2. You can relink all items between 2 categories at once.



  1. Second option is to import data with external links.

*Example covers linking to Jira tickets.

  • Install Matrix AddOn from Jira Marketplace

    • add a link to the instance in Jira settings for AddOn

  • prepare Excel file

  • Add fields to items:

    • Text Line Control → to import from Excel:

    • Task Control → link tickets from Jira

  • Configure plugin:

    • Go to Project Settings

    • Add setting reLinkConfig

    • Configuration:

      "menuEntry":"CUSTOM: Relink external",
  • Go to the Tool menu from the folder and choose CUSTOM: Relink external:

Example for configuration for 2 options:

      "menuEntry":"reLink UREQ to SREQ",
      "linksField":"LEGACY DOWN",
      "downLegacyField":"LEGACY ID"
      "menuEntry":"reLink SREQ to VAL",
      "linksField":"LEGACY DOWN",
      "downLegacyField":"LEGACY ID"
      "menuEntry":"reLink VAL to XTC",
      "linksField":"LEGACY DOWN",
      "downLegacyField":"LEGACY ID"
      "menuEntry":"CUSTOM: Relink external",

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