Marketplace Plugin - ReLink
This plugin helps you import Excel data with traceability and external links intact.
Configuration for the plugin is per project, you can import data from excel with traces and/or with external links e.g. Jira, Github, Gitlub. To import items with traces and external links you need you prepare one Excel including both.
Prepare Excel file for import:
The first option is to import data keeping traces.
The description is available in the Manual:
Additionally from me(Lena):
prepare Excel file
Check traces in Matrix instance, they should be in line with your excel file
Configure the Item fields. Minimum to be in an item to configure plugin:
“Legacy ID” → Text Line Control → Id of the current item, can be any text of unique id
“Legacy down” → Text Line Control → downlinked id of an item
References → downlinks
*ids are important for correct linking and should be carefully listed in Excel and in line with the traces configuration.
Example of Excel file:
Configure plugin:
Go to Project Settings
Add setting reLinkConfig
Example of Configuration:
"menuEntry":"reLink UREQ to SREQ",
"linksField":"LEGACY DOWN",
"downLegacyField":"LEGACY ID"
"menuEntry":"reLink SREQ to VAL",
"linksField":"LEGACY DOWN",
"downLegacyField":"LEGACY ID"
{ and further the same as many traces as you need
Once you imported data from Excel and configured plugin go to Tool menu and choose reLink Category 1 to Category 2. You can relink all items between 2 categories at once.
Second option is to import data with external links.
*Example covers linking to Jira tickets.
Install Matrix AddOn from Jira Marketplace
add a link to the instance in Jira settings for AddOn
prepare Excel file
Add fields to items:
Text Line Control → to import from Excel:
Task Control → link tickets from Jira
Configure plugin:
Go to Project Settings
Add setting reLinkConfig
"menuEntry":"CUSTOM: Relink external",
Go to the Tool menu from the folder and choose CUSTOM: Relink external:
Example for configuration for 2 options:
"menuEntry":"reLink UREQ to SREQ",
"linksField":"LEGACY DOWN",
"downLegacyField":"LEGACY ID"
"menuEntry":"reLink SREQ to VAL",
"linksField":"LEGACY DOWN",
"downLegacyField":"LEGACY ID"
"menuEntry":"reLink VAL to XTC",
"linksField":"LEGACY DOWN",
"downLegacyField":"LEGACY ID"
"menuEntry":"CUSTOM: Relink external",