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Data Entry

Each item consists out of pre-configured input fields depending of the item category. To edit an item just click in the field you want to modify. The editor will be activated. The following field types exist: (to See how to configure each of them, see input fields settings)

Field Name

Example Rendering / Usage

Rich Text Editor An editor allowing to enter formatted text.

For the legacy editor see Data Entry

The text editor is always 18 cm wide, so when printing the printed content will look similar to what you can see on the screen. When adding images they will be automatically scaled to fit on a printed page.

By clicking the pen icon next to the title of the Rich Text Editor you can access the editor and will see the following:

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Formatting Text

You can type your text and style it using the buttons or keyboard shortcuts.

Drag and drop support
You can also drag and drop images or files into the editor. Images will be shown as image scaled to down to have at most 18cm width, files as downloadable hyperlinks. If you drag a word file into a rich text control you can decided whether to link it or insert the content of the file directly into the editor.

Internal item references and SmartText functionalities

Besides the basic formatting tools the following options exist:

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The editor support inserting and editing of diagrams:

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 14.53.01.png

Even though it is properly embedded, we can only guarantee the functionality of our services, so if you are planning major editing in a file, we recommend to do the following:

  1. Use to create the diagram.

  2. Save the diagram locally.

  3. Go the item you want to add this to and insert a new DrawIo Diagram.

  4. Choose Import from Device.

Once you inserted a diagram you edit it in the editor. With 2.4 we added vector processing when including items, so with the addition of vectors, images maintain their quality when printed.


References control (Down Traces)
Shows existing down traces and allows to create new traces

Using the references control you can enter traces to items which are derived from the item you are editing (down traces), e.g. from requirements to specification:

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To add references: click on the Create ... button, to select already existing item click on the Select button.

More information about traces you can find at Traces and Traceability

Text Entry Line
Allows to enter one line of text

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Section with explanation

Allows to add a "Title" between two fields

This might be useful to introduce a checkbox for example:

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User Selection
A drop down with all users in the project

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Date Picker
Control to select a date

The date picker shows the current date in grey, the selected date in blue.

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Plain Text Editor
An editor allowing to enter plain text

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File Manager
A control allowing to add file attachments to an item. You can drag and drop any file on the control and it will be uploaded to the server and attached as hyperlink

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Shows a drop down of pre-configured values. The values can be configured as project settings.

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Table Controls
Tables controls can have a variety of different columns: rich text editors, drop downs selection boxes, date picker, version letters, users in the project, text editors or references to other items.

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Rich text formatting
It is also possible to add image or other formatted text into the table cells. When editing a table cell press shift enter and a rich text editor will pop up.

Smart links
You can just type any item identifier or JIRA issues id inside the table (e.g. REQ-12). When in read mode or in reports this will be transformed into a hyperlink point to the item.

Test Results:
Test results for each step can be added using a drop down menu or a keyboard shortcut.

Risk Control
The risk control allows to enter risk related information. The details that are entered and the formulas to compute the overall risk level can be configured.

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Input fields and formulas can be customised.


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Cross project links
Allow to create links into other projects

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Uplink information

These show information about the upstream references, these can be used for example to mark items as risk controls if they have are referenced as risk measure.

The rendering option has to be chosen from the dropdown and can be adapted in the advanced button (json) if needed.

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Gate elements allow you lock fields in an item above or below the gate, depending on its approval.

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Example of a Gate Control . More about the configuration options can be found here.

Tasks / Link Control

This control allows you insert links to external web sites and bug tracking systems.

To add links you can either drag and drop them inside the control:

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 15.36.48.png

or use the item's tool menu (Jira or Link plugin to enable):

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 15.37.06.png

(Design) Review Table

The review table allows your team to record design reviews for some selected items.

After selecting the items to be reviewed and the reviewers, a table shows all items and passed fail columns for the reviewers.

Reviewers can also leave comments inside the reviewed items and compare them against previously reviewed versions.

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 15.29.20.png

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